Water Rescue

This past weekend I headed up to Dutch Springs in Bethlehem, PA to completed my open water SCUBA diving certification. This has been on my bucket list since I was ten years old and I’m very happy to be part of the underwater club.

After my last dive I hung out a bit, floating around topside (trying to keep my camera out of the water) and captured some images of the rescue class that was underway. It’s a difficult, fun and ultimately rewarding class that I hope to take in the next year or so. Huge thanks to One Ocean Scuba in Silver Spring, Maryland for teaching me the ropes and keeping us all safe. If you live in Maryland and you’re interested in learning to scuba dive, or if you’re just looking for a great local dive shop, you should definitely check them out.

You Say Tomato, I say Olive.

Olive, aged 4 weeks.

Olive, aged 4 weeks.

Several of you have asked after my new studio mate, Olive. (Pictured to the right in an old photo.) For those of you who haven't met Olive, she is a rescue tomato that has moved into the studio with me. As a young plant she was abandoned outside when the weather started to turn cold by a neglectful gardener. (Errrr.... me.)

I am super pleased to announce that with a little TLC she has really bounced back and is even swaddling her first fruit. What a difference a few weeks can make!

Here she is now. As you can see, I've had to upgrade her furnishings a bit. The trellis has been replaced with a $300 Manfrotto carbon fiber tripod and the spare LED bulb on the magic arm has been switched  with not one, but two grow lights. I'm thinking of ordering a K 5600 1600 Joker but I'll have to wait until after the holidays.  

Thank you all for the offers of home cooked meals for her and plant sitting services. She (we) really appreciate it and just wanted to let you know that we're going great!